User:Toa Aquinus/News report example

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Two additions coming to LEGOLAND California Resort[edit | edit source]

On November 6th General Manger Peter Ronchetti with his beloved counterpart R2-D2 announced that there will be two new and major additions to the LEGOLAND California Resort: LEGO Star Wars Death Star Miniland (Opens March 2015) and Heartlake City (Summer 2015)! Make sure to read the whole article so you don't miss anything!

I feel like these two additions sounds interesting, but what do you think? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section! Other opinions are always appreciated!

Source: Thanks to CJC for giving me the link

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125 months ago
Score 0++
This is REAL??!! :O :P

IchindarBrick Master

125 months ago
Score 0++