User blog:Ichindar/100 AE (Role-Play)

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

The year is 100 AE (After Emmet). Many things have happened since the days of the great Master Builders. Creativity is dwindling. The last great stronghold of the Master Builders, LEGO V founded by Benny in 7 AE is under attack by an army of MBR's (Master Builder Robots). They exploit the thing they are trying to destroy to the fullest..... It is up to you to save the world!

This is set in a slightly more futuristic world than TLM, so there are other planets. Each player can create one character. You can choose whether you are a MBR or a Master Builder (basically if you are good or if you are evil). If you have an image of your character, you can upload it, but if not it doesn't matter. Each player will have a creativity and an experience skill trait. These will start at 1. If you have a weapon, that will also have a 'Weapon Bonus'.

This is the basic Character bio:

Name =

Character Image = (optional)

Team =

Personality = (optional)

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IchindarBrick Master

133 months ago
Score 0++

I'm posting my personal character :P

Name = MBR7

Character Image = File:Mbr7.png (coming soon)

Team = Master Builder Robot (obviously)

Personality = Second to none. Hates Ice-Cream, and anything cold. Can get angry very easily.

King KahukaAmateur

133 months ago
Score 0++
I'll work on my character, you can try guessing my favorite themes mashed together, thats an example of what my character will probably be. :P


133 months ago
Score 0++
Will work on my character.


134 months ago
Score 0++
Can any Middle Zealand characters be included?

IchindarBrick Master

133 months ago
Score 0++
Yes, but I'd prefer if you create a completely seperate character.