User blog:Omega X/Custom Brickheadz

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Hello guys! Recently, Lego released a line of Brickheadz figures which I find very creative and appealing. A few days ago I chanced across some excellent custom Brickheadz by none other than CM4S (whose customs I admire) on Flickr (They are viewable here:

Anyways, inspired by all these great works of art, I started creating my own line of Brickheadz! More would be added in the near future, but for now, theres only Morro from Ninjago!

Custom Brickheaz[edit source]


Custom: Morro[edit source]

One challenge I faced was trying to get his hair right, as well as a suitable representation of his torn robe and cape (I ended up using grills to represent torn cloth, and Im satisfied with the result =P)

Brickheaz Morro 1.png Brickheaz Morro 2.png

Custom: Sensei Wu[edit source]

Thought it would be fitting to do one of the heroes after Morro, and settled with Wu. I based this design off his "tea robe" look, with a gold and white coat. The most challenging thing for this would be his beard, as it is very hard to get it just right and recognisable, without seeming too complex or bulky. Hope yall like it! =)

Brickheaz Sensei 1.png Brickheaz Sensei 2.png

Custom: Pythor[edit source]

Andd this is the most challenging brickheadz i've ever built! Had to entirely redesign the legs and head, and Im glad at how they turned out! do hope that I could capture Pythors grin more accurately though..

Brickheaz Pythor 1.png Brickheaz Pythor 2.png

Custom: Lloyd[edit source]

Created this as a counterpart to Pythor (cos Brickheadz all come in pairs =P). Surprisingly, the most challenging part of this is actually the shoulder pads! I thought of attaching them from the back (like a cape), but it turned out too bulky so I ended up with this simpler, but much better looking, solution!

Brickheaz Lloyd 1.png Brickheaz Lloyd 2.png

Overview of Ninjago line[edit source]

Brickheaz Ninjago 1.png Brickheaz Ninjago 2.png


Custom: Banana Suit Guy[edit source]

Well let's take a break from all that Ninjago shall we! Anyways this turned out to be a very fun build, I enjoyed every part of building this, and the challenging part of this would actually be the bottom of the banana, as I tried to make it as simplistic as possible without it being too bulky. Loved the actual minifig, and Im happy with my custom Brickheadz of him! =)

Brickheaz Banana Suit Guy.png Brickheaz Banana Suit Guy 2.png

Custom: Dog Show Judge[edit source]

Decided to try this for the hair, and as expected, it was the most challenging part of this minifig! The suit also turned out to be surprisingly difficult to render too though..

Brickheaz Dog Show Guy 1.png Brickheaz Dog Show Guy 2.png

Custom: Mariachi[edit source]

Fell in love with this figure the moment it was unveiled, and simply had to do it as a Brickheadz. The hat was the most challenging but the most fun part at the same time.

Brickheaz Mariachi 1.png Brickheaz Mariachi 2.png

Custom: Ice Queen[edit source]

Decided to attempt this minifig as i thought it would be very interesting to capture its essence in Brickheadz form, and sure it was challenging! The dress was surprisingly hard to capture with its simplistic yet striking design, and while the final product was not that close to the actual minifig, I was satisfied. The crown was another challenging area, as it is scaled quite unusually with the actual figure, and I could not find any existing part which replicates its scale perfectly.

Brickheaz Ice Queen 1.png Brickheaz Ice Queen 2.png

Overview of CMF Series 16 line[edit source]

Brickheaz CMF 1.png Brickheaz CMF 2.png


Custom: King Halbert[edit source]

I have always loved the new King hairpiece and how well it complements the beard released eariler, so I decided to do King Halbert from Nexo Knights! It was a interesting build with its own challenges, but the most memorable challenge would be trying to get the crown right with the correct shaping and proportions. The beard was a challenge too, which I finally settled on using the croissant pieces which I used eariler with the Mariachi =P

Brickheaz King Halbert 1.png Brickheaz King Halbert 2.png

Custom: Flama[edit source]

I decided to do Flama because of her unique headpiece and colour scheme. Turns out that the colour scheme was MUCH harder to capture in LDD than it is in real life..had a hard time making the trans orange show through..hope that the final product does the actual figure justice! =P

Brickheaz Flama 1.png 700px


Custom: 2015 Tahu[edit source]

Upon hearing the suggestion of doing Bionicle or HF by the anon in the comments, I immediately became interested with it, and what better character to start other than the mascot of Bionicle-Tahu? Anyways this construction is immensely challenging in many ways, and it took much longer than any other Brickheadz. The mask was a very difficult shape to capture with its details, especially at the sides of the cowl. The hands were a challenge to replicate too, with the weapon being too oversized (in this case) and the legs being too stubby and thin to capture accurately.

However the mask turned out pretty well and recognisable imo, while the legs do still remain relatively plain =/

Brickheaz Tahu 1.png Brickheaz Tahu 2.png Brickheaz Tahu 3.png


Custom: Hela and Grandmaster=[edit source]

Was really interested in recreating the gigantic helmet of hela in brickheadz, and the process of recreating her helmet does not disappoint =P hela's helmet actually has 5 spikes on each side, but it ended up way too crowded and i decided to just cut down to a manageable 3.

The grandmaster proved to be less challenging but there is still some element of challenge, especially in his hairstyle. Hope it turned out well!

Hela and Grandmaster.png

Please do leave your comments down below thanks![edit source]

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NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

89 months ago
Score 1++
Wow Hela's head.... thing looks amazing! (I have no idea what was up with her making it appear and disappear all the time, I guess it's like Loki's helmet). Grandmaster looks well-built too :)

Omega XAmateur

89 months ago
Score 0++
Thanks Nova! Agreed with Hela's helmet, the filmmakers probably thought it would be cool thing to add but yea in hindsight it makes totally no sense =P

Omega XAmateur

89 months ago
Score 0++
Added hela and grandmaster!


101 months ago
Score 1++

Omega XAmateur

101 months ago
Score 0++
Glad u liked them Rock! =D

Omega XAmateur

101 months ago
Score 0++
Added 2015 Tahu! This is by far the most challenging and difficult build so far, with many obstacles (refer above for more detailed stuff), but imo the mask looks great and pretty recognisable.

Omega XAmateur

101 months ago
Score 0++
Thanks Anon! =D

Omega XAmateur

101 months ago
Score 0++
Added Flama! Her colour scheme was surprisingly difficult to get right, and her headpiece proved to be a huge challenge as well to construct in LDD

Omega XAmateur

101 months ago
Score 0++
Added King Halbert! He's an interesting figure to build, and the final product certainly captures the character well. The crown and beard are the biggest challenges for this figure, and hope you guys like it! =)

Omega XAmateur

101 months ago
Score 0++

Added the Ice Queen! She was a uniquely challenging figure as the main challenge faced was trying to capture her simplistic yet striking design with minimal pieces and shapes. The dress design and the crown are best examples of this challenge. Hope yall enjoy!

P.S. Any suggestions on future Brickheadz waves? Any favourite character that you would like to see done as a Brickheadz? Just state their name and I will add them to my list! =)

Currently the next ones would be Nexo Knights, more specifically King Albert and Jestro as the first two

Omega XAmateur

101 months ago
Score 0++
@Anon: Thats a very interesting idea! It would be hard to pull of the mechanic feel of those themes though..would give it a shot after the next 2 figures thanks! =D

Omega XAmateur

101 months ago
Score 0++
Added a summary of the entire Ninjago and CMF series! They sure do look good beside each other =P

Omega XAmateur

102 months ago
Score 0++
Edit: Added Marachi! Love this fig frm the CMF line, and the hat was a pleasure to make

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 0++
How creative! I love it!

Omega XAmateur

101 months ago
Score 0++
@Soup Thanks! It was a really challenging yet fun build of this Brickheaz line, glad u liked it! =)


101 months ago
Score 1++
What's your favorite idea? Mine's being creative :Δ)

Omega XAmateur

101 months ago
Score 0++
@Rock Hmm couuld u clarify "idea"? As in my favourite brickheadz? or the favourite part of the process? Sorry dont quite understand =P

Omega XAmateur

103 months ago
Score 0++
Edit: Added dog show judge! The hair was very challenging to make =P

SamanthaNguyenBuilding Bigger

104 months ago
Score 0++
Pythor looks the coolest out of all of them in my opinion but they're all still really awesome :D keep up the good work!

Omega XAmateur

104 months ago
Score 0++
Yupp Pythor is my personal favourite too! Thanks Samantha!! =D

Omega XAmateur

104 months ago
Score 1++
Edit: Added Banana Suit Guy!! Loved this minifig, and naturally tried to make him a Brickheadz! It was a very fun build overall, and I enjoyed every part of it =)

Omega XAmateur

104 months ago
Score 0++
Oh and I apologise for the white grill piece which looks so out of place, actually I would have preferred a printed 1X2 yellow tile with his signature grin. However, this is LDD so i had to improvise a little.. =P

Omega XAmateur

104 months ago
Score 1++

Edit: Added Lloyd! =D

Surprisingly, the most challenging part of this is actually the shoulder pads! I thought of attaching them from the back (like a cape), but it turned out too bulky so I ended up with this simpler, but much better looking, solution!

VaskoOutstanding Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 1++
Great job on all of these! :D

Omega XAmateur

104 months ago
Score 1++
Thanks Vasko, glad u liked them!! =D

Omega XAmateur

104 months ago
Score 0++

Edit: Added Pythor!! =D

Definitely the most challenging one to date, as I have to "redesign" both the head and legs, and Im quite pleased on how it turned out!

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 0++

Honestly, I couldn't see this working but it looks awesome, well done :)

What piece did you use for the eyes?

VaskoOutstanding Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 1++
I think that piece was introduced in Mixels, it's used in 41571 Tuth and a few other 2016 sets.

Omega XAmateur

104 months ago
Score 1++

Thanks Nova!! =D

I actually used the Flat Tile 1x1 1/2 circle (according to Brickset), which is introduced in Mixels as front teeth, and which i used as the eyes for the other characters =)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 0++
Haha these look great, nice work :) Can't wait to see how you handle Pythor, that sounds really tricky

Omega XAmateur

104 months ago
Score 0++
Haha yup he certainly is one very tricky minifig to make! =P Thanks Nova!!

Omega XAmateur

104 months ago
Score 0++
Working on one of the most challenging minifig who is none other than....Pythor!

Omega XAmateur

104 months ago
Score 0++
UPDATE: Added Sensei Wu BrickHeadz!