User blog:Toa Aquinus/Power News - 5th/6th July

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  • What will 2016 really bring?
  • Ninja needs Time-out.


2016 seems like a fresh year with a possibility of many new themes. Chima and UA have left the building, leaving some fans disappointed (UA) and some fans happy (Chima). We don't know for sure, but a new fantasy/KK II/Castle theme is just waiting to enter the building. But we need more. A loss like UA is very sad, so LEGO gotta pull out some Power Miners or Atlantis to satisfy me. Many other themes are continuing, but one theme is kind of annoying me now. Ninjago has had its time. You can read more below.

Ninjago needs to be more ninja. Too many vehicles, where are the structures? Ninjas didn't drive big vehicles or fight robots. The only "Ninja" feel I get are their suits, which are becoming less "Ninja" each year. This is my opinion, but I hope people understand. I hope we get a theme that resembles the 1998-2000 theme.

These are all the news for now, thanks for reading, and have a great day.

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Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++

Ninjago has approved with the recent wave (70734 Master Wu Dragon is Bae!) we've gotten Japense style architecture in a few sets. As Ninjago is a theme aimed towards boys it's more vehicle based, as that's what sells in the boy toy market. The new fantasy theme could have less motorcycles and mechs but I'm not sure what they would do to make a large wave of sets without vehicles, espically if it's replacing Chima.

I believe Power Miners, Alantis or a Space theme will replace UA and have few sets. It be nice to see a new idea such as Chima but oh well.

The LEGO Movie will be replaced by Angry Birds.

Jurassic World wI'll either be canceled or changed to Jurassic park.

Pirates/Elves may be replaced too, mainly because I don't know where these themes would go. I wouldn't be surprised if Pirates was canceled and wasn't replaced and instead other themes received more sets. As for Elves since Emily was sent home I'm not sure she'll return, I'm not sure if the sets are selling well besides the AFOL market. If it does continue I hope we get more elements, more characters, more animals based off fantasy animals e.g. Unicorns, Centars not squirrels and pantars (I know we have pegasuses and a dragon, but we need more! :P) and different outfits for the elves! If it does get replaced a girly space theme would be great! With mini-doll figures and mini-doll figure aliens living on the same planet in a friendly way, like that theme from years ago (I forget it's name)

DC girls might replace Disney Princess since there was only a handful of sets but judging on the money the frozen set made I doubt it will. Maoana could get a few sets to go alongside her movie and if there sucsefull we may get ones based off Name Game too.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
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I don't think Angry Birds is replacing TLM. It won't get that many sets. :P Rumor is that the Castle theme is next year's "big bang," but that's a rumor.

I'd love Moana sets. I'd prefer system, since it means more figures (and more useful ones) but Polynesian stuff would be really cool. Maybe with the Aquaman movie. \_O_/

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++
I meant this year's TLM (four sets), as that hasn't been canceled yet :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
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I thought the new fantasy theme was the Castle theme of the year?

I don't think we'll get a minifigure theme for any Disney Princess themed movie/Wonder Woman 2017(unless DC girls is really unpopular). That being said that's only a few movies and every other movie that LEGO will produce will feature minifigures.

Toa AquinusBricktastic

117 months ago
Score 0++
The only thing with Ninjago is that it is too much tech-y for it to really be "Ninja". Like, ninjas used to fight Samurai, the ghosts can "kinda" resemble, but what will they do after that? I hope the 2017/2016 movie gives a little more nostalgia. I used to like Ninjago quite a lot, but I suddenly felt it was too tech-y and the new sets are pretty expencive here.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++
Though saying fantasy or licensed theme is a good way to categorize them, it might not be the best idea to say that "x theme" replaced "y theme" because they are both fantasy or movie themes. Though that might be the case, that's not really how markets work since it doesn't allow the supply to shift based on demand. It's not a good business model.