Velma Staplebot

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(Redirected from Velma Staplebott)
This article is about the The LEGO Movie character. For the Scooby-Doo character, see Velma Dinkley.
Velma Staplebot
Cmf velma.jpg

The LEGO Movie





[List of appearances]
Would you like to make an appointment, or shall I summon the Micromanagers?
―Velma Staplebot

Velma Staplebot is one of the characters in the 2014 film, The LEGO Movie. She is the personal assistant / secretary to President Business. She is one of the few who know about his secret identity, Lord Business.[1]

Description[edit | edit source]

Velma Staplebot wears medium nougat trousers and boots, with a bit of her silver plating in between. Her vest is flame yellowish orange and patterned with cool yellow arrows. She wears a black belt with a flame yellowish orange coloured clip. She wears a cool yellow vest and a dark red ascot. Her head is silver with bright red eyes, visible white teeth, bright red lipstick, and a black microphone. Velma's hairpiece is a new mould which depicts a medium nougat beehive hairdo.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Movie Appearances[edit | edit source]

Description from[edit | edit source]

Red2x2.png This is a description taken from Please do not modify it. (visit this item's product page) “Would you like to make an appointment, or shall I summon the Micromanagers?”

The overbearing personal assistant to President Business, Velma Staplebot is responsible for keeping her boss’ schedule precisely in order, cancelling inconvenient appointments, and keeping pirates and other unauthorized visitors out of his office at the top of the Octan Tower.

But the mechanical Ms. Staplebot is no simple assistant. As one of President Business’s most loyal and trusted staff members, she is also one of the few (okay, maybe not so few) who knows his greatest secret: that he is really the evil Lord Business, out to control all the realms of the LEGO world!

Skills[edit | edit source]


CM rating four stars.png


CM rating four stars.png


CM rating three stars.png

References[edit | edit source]

view · talk · edit The LEGO Movie minifigures
Fellowship of Strangers: Batman | Benny | Emmet | MetalBeard | Unikitty | Vitruvius | Wyldstyle
Octan: Bad Cop/Good Cop | Deputron | Lord Business | Micro Manager | Robo Crocodile | Robo SWAT | Robot Fed | Sheriff Not-a-robot | Skeletron
Others: Alfie the Apprentice | Blacktron Fan | Blaze Firefighter | Cardio Carrie | Dr. McScrubs | Executive Ellen | Fabu-Fan | Frank the Foreman | Gallant Guard | Garbage Man Dan | Garbage Man Grant | Gordon Zola | Hank Haystack | Ice Cream Jo | Ice Cream Mike | Kebab Bob | Ma Cop | Pa Cop | Plumber Joe | Rootbeer Belle | Sharon Shoehorn | Sir Stackabrick | Snail | Sudds Backwash
Collectable Minifigures: Abraham Lincoln | Candy Rapper | Calamity Drone | Gail the Construction Worker | Giraffe Guy | Larry the Barista | Marsha Queen of the Mermaids | Mrs. Scratchen-Post | Panda Guy | Taco Tuesday Man | Velma Staplebot | Wiley Fusebot | "Where are my Pants?" Guy | William Shakespeare
Master Builders: The Flash | Green Lantern | Superman | Circus Clown | Deep Sea Diver | Egyptian Queen | Forestman | Gandalf | Hazmat Guy | Lady Liberty | Lizard Man | Magician | Milhouse | Policeman | Professor Dumbledore | Punk Rocker | Ringmaster | Surgeon | Tribal Chief | Vampire | Yeti | El Macho Wrestler | Michelangelo (Artist) | Red Classic Spaceman | Traffic Enforcer | Ghost | The Green Ninja | Johnny Thunder | Michelangelo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) | NBA All-Star One | NBA All-Star Two (Basketball) | Shaquille O'Neal (Basketball) | Swamp Creature | White Classic Spacemen | Wonder Woman
Video Game Only: Old Ollie | Wild Will
... more about "Velma Staplebot"
Clipboard +
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“Would you like to make an appointment, or“Would you like to make an appointment, or shall I summon the Micromanagers?”</br></br>The overbearing personal assistant to President Business, Velma Staplebot is responsible for keeping her boss’ schedule precisely in order, cancelling inconvenient appointments, and keeping pirates and other unauthorized visitors out of his office at the top of the Octan Tower.</br></br>But the mechanical Ms. Staplebot is no simple assistant. As one of President Business’s most loyal and trusted staff members, she is also one of the few (okay, maybe not so few) who knows his greatest secret: that he is really the evil Lord Business, out to control all the realms of the LEGO world! control all the realms of the LEGO world! +
Velma Staplebot +